Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

The Best Guitar For Beginners - the Squier Stratocaster

Finding the right guitar for a beginner can be difficult but the most important factors to consider are cost, durability and versatility. By these standards, the Squier Stratocaster is easily the best guitar for beginners.

Manufactured by Fender, the Squier Strat is one of the best value beginner guitars and it can usually be found in a local music store or online for between $180 and $230. No beginner needs a more expensive instrument and you can always buy a better guitar once your skills warrant it.

If you progress and buy a better model a year or two after you start playing, you can always use your Squier as a backup because it's nothing if not durable. The Fender name means that as long as you take care of the instrument it should last for years with only minor issues.

For instance, some people have reported that the strap buttons come loose after a few months but this is easily fixed and the fact that that is the biggest problem the guitar faces with wear is a testament to its durability.

Of course, price and durability mean little if the guitar isn't versatile. It's important that beginners have a solid instrument on which to try everything from the blues to rock to heavy metal. The Squier Strat gives the beginner all of these options and, although it lacks the thrills of more expensive instruments, it's built to give the beginner a solid platform from which to improve their skills.

When shopping for a guitar, don't confuse the Squier Stratocaster with the Squier Affinity Strat or the Fender Stratocaster. The Affinity is a much cheaper model and it shows whereas the Fender Stratocaster is a much more expensive model ($350). The Squier Stratocaster is in the middle of these two models and is the best buy for the beginning guitarist.

On balance, the Squier Stratocaster is the best guitar for beginners. It's price, durability and versatility make it the perfect choice for anyone just starting to learn the guitar and the best part is that you can always use the Squier Strat as a backup once you move on to a more expensive instrument.

Chris Fong loves to play the guitar in his free time. If you are a beginning guitar learner, make sure to read his Tips to Learn Guitar For Beginners on his Best Guitar Courses blog.

How To Play Guitar Chords

One of the most versatile musical instruments could want to learn to play is the guitar. As soon as person is able to play this instrument then they can choose between playing either classical, rock, pop, country, folk as well as other styles of music on it. However in order for a person to be able to play any of these kinds of music styles the will first need to learn how to play guitar chords.

However before you can learn these you will need to know the basics relating to how you play a guitar. First it is important that you learn how to hold the guitar correctly. The body of the guitar should be resting on your right leg (if you are right handed) and left leg (if you are left handed). But here we are going to be looking at the way to hold the guitar if you are right handed. Next you should curl your right hand into a fist (but not too tight) and ensure that your thumb is parallel to your first finger. Now you need to get your pick and place this between your thumb and the first finger, but ensuring that you do not actually clench it with any of your fingers. All the pick needs to do is rest behind the thumb. Now you get your left hand and this needs to be wrapped around the neck of the guitar and again the four fingers on the left hand should just loosely curl around the neck of the guitar.

In order to learn how to play guitar chords effectively a person need to learn how to read guitar tabs (tablatures). This is the method guitarists will use in order to notate music and when you look more closely at your guitar you see it has 6 strings. The top string is the thickest and as you move towards the bottom one you will see that they progressively get thinner. Each string is numbered from 1 to 6 and 1 being at the bottom (thinnest) and 6 being the top string (the thickest). Also on the neck of your guitar you will notice some small metal bars which are spaced at various intervals and the closer you get to the top of the guitar neck the less space there is between each bar. These are more commonly referred to as the frets. There are around about 20 frets to be found on a standard size guitar and when playing any chords you will often find that you use only the first 4 or 5 of them.

In order to learn how to play guitar chords a person needs to fully understand how the tabs and frets work together. So if for example you needed to learn to play an A major chord then a person would strum on the first open string, along with the second open and then play on the 3rd string with the finger over the first fret and also play the 4th string with their finger placed over the 2nd fret and then play the 5th string with their finger placed over the 2nd fret whilst the 6th string is left open. Although it may seem difficult a lot of practice will ensure that things become much easier.

Do you want to learn how to play guitar?

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We rank the best guitar learning programs online, so you can stop searching and start playing today.

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Learn to Play Guitar Online

More and more people are wanting to learn to play the guitar, and for good reason The guitar is one of the most popular instruments of all time and is used for all kinds of music. The method you decide to use to learn to play guitar is up to you.

Learning how to play guitar is like learning how to speak a language. While playing is not something you pick up overnight, it's not impossible to play a guitar; in fact, learning to play guitar is really not that hard. Possibly the best and most efficient way to learn to play guitar is to sign up for lessons. Many people, however, find lessons expensive, not easily scheduled, or intimidating.

It seems that over the last few years, the number of people who are turning to the internet for a way to learn to play guitar is rapidly increasing. There are online courses, and some learn to play guitar through the use of books, CDs or DVDs purchased online. Even though many feel that learning to play guitar is an impossible task, learning to play guitar is certainly an invitation to a very personal adventure. The method you decide to use to learn to play guitar is up to you. The one drawback to teaching yourself to play guitar is receiving constructive criticism on how you play.

To learn to play guitar is difficult and easy at the same time. Successfully learning how to play guitar is within the grasp of most people, yet many beginners give up too quickly. The main reason I think most people play guitar is so people can entertain there friends, family and maybe even your fans. Perhaps one of the biggest attractions to learning to play guitar is the desire to show off with an amazing solo in the middle of a song.

Learning to play guitar is a process, and there is no finish line. The first thing you need to know about learning how to play guitar is how to use a guitar physically. The next critical step to learning how to play guitar is to learn how to read music. There are great tutorials available for purchase online that teach the basics of reading music. Once you've begun your journey you'll discover a rewarding journey into different types of music you've probably never listened to before. Visiting sites that offer free guitar sheet music is a great way to stay motivated during your musical journey.

More than just the mechanics, the pride of accomplishment that you will experience when you teach yourself to play guitar is priceless. Learning to play guitar is a challenge; but playing the guitar is for most guitar players a relaxing and enjoyable hobby. At the end of the day, learning how to play guitar is one of the most creative ways to explore your musical talent.

Jim Whitesell enjoys finding free guitar sheet music, and especially enjoys trying out new electric guitar sheet music.

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Online Guitar How-To - A Guitar Player's Guide to Choosing the Best Online Guitar Program

Right now is probably the best time in all of history to be learning the guitar, or learning anything for that matter. There are so many great options for online guitar lessons. The problem comes when it is time to choose the right training package. If we are trying to choose a guitar how-to, a guitar video course, or a multimedia guitar training package, how can we be sure which one is right for us? It helps to ask yourself a few questions.

Question #1: What will I be able to do?

I think this is a very fair question to ask of any training program. If I spend time with this course, what will I be able to do at the end of it? What skills will I master? What songs will I be able to play? Do I just get a few beginner level guitar skills or will it help me really become a capable advanced guitar player?

Question #2: How fast will I learn? Will I see immediate results?

The world is moving fast and we have to choose carefully what we devote attention to. We demand immediate gratification. Do I get to learn the "good" stuff right away or will I be stuck with "Mary Had A Little Lamb" on my guitar?

Question #3: How will I learn? Will I stay interested?

Everybody has a different style of learning. The best online guitar programs use lots of different teaching methods. Look for programs that combine audio, video, and reading with interactive software, games, and a variety of teachers.

Question #4: Which course gives me the best value for my money?

The key here is to find a balance between cost and value. Personally I am happy to pay more if I am certain that I will be able to learn more and do more with it. I'll take a more expensive guitar how-to, a guitar program that will really help me advance my skills over a cheaply produced and cheaply priced program any day.

The cheapest guitar program is usually not the best guitar program. You have to look at the total picture. Does it teach you what you want to know? Does it help you learn in the way that works the best for you? Will it keep you active and engaged for the long haul? All of these are important considerations.

As I did my own research into guitar learning programs, I kept coming back to two programs that really stood out beyond the rest.

One is a multi-disciplinary guitar how-to a guitar program that will teach you not only how to rock, but also how to play the blues, classical, funk, jazz and world guitar.

Another is an acoustic guitar how-to a guitar program that will give you a very comprehensive training on how to play all aspects of the acoustic guitar and includes lots of really useful bonuses.

Look Ma! I Know How to Play Guitar Like a Pro!

So you wanna learn guitar, eh?

Have you always dreamed of strummin' songs on a guitar as a fun hobby. Or better yet, would you like to learn guitar so that you can organize a hot band and perform at entertainment events? Well, if this sounds like you, then the tips below will help lay out the basics clearly so that you can play guitar like a pro!

Okay, here goes...

First things first... you will need to:

1. Find a good guitar.

Purchase or borrow one that is in working condition. After all, how can you learn on a guitar that has broken strings? (That doesn't sound like fun, does it?) A quick way to tell if a guitar is in good condition is to take a look at the neck to make sure that it isn't bent or twisted. Also, check to see that there are no bulges, cracks, or other obvious signs of damage to the guitar body.

2. Learn the parts.

By knowing each part of your guitar, you'll become more familiar with the instrument and will feel comfortable playing it. The nine basic parts of a guitar include: the headstock, tuners, nut, neck, frets, body, bridge, sound hole, and the strings. The headstock is located at very top. The tuners or tuning pegs are located alongside the headstock. Located below the tuner, you will find the nut which is a tiny piece found between the headstock and neck of the guitar.

The neck is the long piece in the middle that connects the headstock and the body.

The frets are the marks found spaced along the neck of the guitar. These marks help to guide the fingers when playing notes. When a guitar does not have these frets, it can become harder to play.

The lower part of the guitar is made up of the body. This is where most of the action takes place. The guitar body contains the vibrations of the strings and helps to intensify the sound.

The bridge is the section located on the body and is the part on which the strings are attached. It serves unique functions for sound on acoustic and electric guitar. However, its main purpose is to control the pressure on the strings.

The sound hole (acoustic) or pickups (electrical) is the part that controls the way that the sound is intensified.

3. Get your pick ready.

Try to choose a pick that is of medium thickness. Some guitarists feel that thin, nylon picks don't give a good sound. On the other hand, a guitar pick that is too thick may not be very comfortable for playing.

4. Take a seat.

Okay, this part is pretty easy. Just find an easy seat ....a chair without arms will work perfectly. Get seated comfortably, and you'll be strumming on your guitar in no time!

There you have it. Those are the basics. It's pretty simple, huh? Take it day by day and with a bit of guitar coaching or instruction, you'll soon know how to play guitar like a pro!

Wanna learn how to play guitar like some of the hottest musicians around? click here to get access to the secrets that will have you playing guitar like a star!

Learn How to Play Guitar Easy - 6 Methods to Start Playing Now

To learn how to play guitar easy, you really need to have dedication and patience. The thing that makes learning the guitar difficult is how long it takes to learn a certain skill and that can be quite discouraging for beginners.

So, if you're the type of person to take the initiative and run strong for the long haul, then playing the guitar will be easy for you. Take a look at these 6 ways to learn so you can start playing right away.

1. Check out an instructional book. There's still quite a bit of information packed into those dusty volumes that occupy the book store and library and it's all for your benefit. Expert guitarists write many books just for beginners like you to learn and grow into a great musician as long as you pick one up and read.

2. Read and post to a guitar forum. Forums provide a wealth of information especially if you want to learn how to play guitar easy with the input from other guitarists. You can find literally hundreds of forums by doing a simple search in Google. Once you find one that provides information you can use, sign up for an account and join the conversations.

3. Obtain information from popular blogs. There are more guitar blogs on the internet than one can probably count, but they all have awesome tips and tricks for you to develop your skills faster. The best part is that most of them are competing for recognition on search engines by providing the most informative content, so you gain all the benefits.

4. View tutorials on video sites. One of the best ways to learn how to play guitar easy is by watching someone else play and teach you. Nowadays, everybody knows where to go for their favorite streamed videos over the net, so get over there and start searching for something productive for once.

5. Get a personal instructor. This used to be the only way to learn all about your instrument, but it still stands as a strong source for guitar information. Most private instructors post ads at your local music store and will work around your schedule if their student list isn't large. However, the price usually adds up after even only a month of lessons.

6. Sign up for online guitar lessons. The failsafe way to learn how to play guitar easy is with convenient internet courses. It's no wonder that thousands of beginning players are choosing this option worldwide since they're convenient to access, simple to begin, and fun to complete.

Online guitar lessons are probably your best bet to learn some fun songs to play on guitar. So, just to get you searching, check out this review of a very revolutionary guitar learning tool called Jamorama guitar.

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Learning Guitar For Beginners - A Guide to Getting Started

There is much more to learning how to play guitar than just picking up the instrument and starting in. It's very important to begin with the basics. You need to know what your goals are, and you also need to have a good guitar learning program. You should be able to expect to learn certain things in just about any beginners' guitar course you might try. You'll need to know those things before you can move up to an intermediate guitar course. Here is a summary of the things you should learn during any guitar for beginners course you might take.

By the time you finish your guitar course you should have the information you need to decide which type of specialty you might like to explore. Your choices include classical guitar, jazz guitar, rock guitar and country and folk guitar, but there are many others. Keep in mind, however, that all these guitar styles start off the same way, with the basics.

You will begin by learning the parts of your instrument and how they interact, what makes a guitar good, and how to maintain it. This information will make it a lot easier to get the kind of sound you want.

You will learn the difference between steel strings and nylon, and when you want to use each one, what kind of neck flexibility works for which kind of playing, and how guitar shape affects sound. You will also find out what different strumming techniques do, and the difference between upstrokes and downstrokes. Most players just learning to strum will start with a few basic chords: C, G, D7 and F. Be sure you can find out how the chords are constructed and how they interact with one another.

You'll also learn finger picking, which may seem too advanced to be in a guitar for beginners course. It also might seem like it would be better with a different kind of music. Finger picking is a valuable technique, however. Learn to use both hands and how to have a fair amount of dexterity with both. Even if you never use a technique like finger picking, it is better to know it than to not know something you need to be able to play what you want.

Tuning and knowing how each chord works with each key are also important skills to master during your guitar for beginners course. You'll start off using open tuning and then try barring, which is pressing down the strings across the fret and completing the chord using the rest of your fingers.

You'll learn scales, too - they're the basis of almost all guitar playing out there. Once you have a good grasp on your scales, your ability to progress will increase greatly.

It can be tempting to jump right in when you want to learn guitar, but don't do it. Instead, get a good grounding in the basics and become a truly skilled guitar player. You'll be able to accomplish a lot more when you get into advanced techniques. Everyone who wants to play guitar skillfully, including people who end up as professional guitarists, need to learn the basics. Those professionals sound great now, but at one time they were beginners too. Isn't it amazing what a little bit of practice can do?

When you first start out guitar for beginners can seem a little overwhelming at times. But if you can exercise patients and a little focus you will be jamming with the best in no time at all. For more wonderful tips and tricks visit http://www.guitarblaster.com

Learn How to Play Guitar

So you've finally decided to take the plunge and learn how to play guitar.

Congratulations! Learning to play a musical instrument can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of your life.

Most of us that take up the guitar share a common goal - to make music. But what we individually want to accomplish on the guitar, and how we ultimately get there, can be widely varied.

As a result, we all travel different paths to arrive at the same destination.

There are, however, a number of common steps we all must take before embarking on our journey.

It's very much like preparing to take a trip somewhere. You may be going to Europe. I might be traveling across the country. Someone else could be just going to another town in the same state. But we all have to plan out our trip and pack certain essential items before leaving.

Here are some things to consider before hitting the road to "guitar-ville":

1. What are your goals on the guitar?

Some people want to learn guitar simply for personal enjoyment or for family and friends.

Others have the desire to go to the next level and get good enough to play in a band locally or with a church group.

Some want to write songs and record their own music.

Still others want to shoot for the stars and work toward making music a career.

Having a clear vision of where you want to go on the guitar will define the route you take.

2. What type of guitar do you want to play?

Guitars come in all shapes and sizes and you should decide early what style of guitar interests you the most. Especially if budget is an issue.

Basically you have three broad choices. Acoustic guitar, electric guitar and classical guitar. Each one has it's own strengths and weaknesses, and are suitable to various genres of music.

3. Decide on a course of study.

There are numerous ways to learn how to play guitar. Private lessons, online courses, guitar books, videos, DVDs, and friends that can assist.

We all respond differently to various instruction programs, some are more suited for one method over another, so it is important to choose a course of study that is amenable to your particular temperament and learning ability.

Avoid frustration and confusion by choosing only one program and sticking to it. Many new guitar students give up early in the game after bouncing around between various programs and accomplishing nothing.

4. Practice

It's all well and good to read books and watch videos on playing guitar, but the only way to really play is to...play!

Dedicate some time every day or so to pick up the guitar and actually play it.

Your fingers and hands must be taught to do things they have never done before and you must put the time in to teach them. There will be some typical soreness in the fingers, and an overall feeling of awkwardness in the beginning, but these all will pass...with practice.

And you don't have to play for hours upon hours every day. You would be amazed at how much you can accomplish with ten or fifteen minutes of consistent daily practice.

5. Have Fun

I'm a really bad golfer. So bad that I laugh at myself after sending a ball into the woods or drowning it in a pond.

But I have been on the golf course with guys that get serious. Really serious. I've seen otherwise calm and reserved individuals turn into Godzilla, clubs flailing and cuss words sailing, over a bad bunker shot or a missed green.

And it always amazes me that something that is played for enjoyment, for the pure fun of it, can be such a huge source of frustration for these people.

Playing guitar should not be that way. Yes, there will be times of frustration and disappointment while working through the challenges of learning a new chord, riff or song - but ultimately creating music should bring joy and a sense of accomplishment to your life.

Try not to take it too seriously.

6. Just do it!

Yeah, another Nike commercial. But the truth is, many people spend so much time preparing, researching and thinking about playing guitar, that they never get around to actually playing it.

It's called "paralysis by analysis".

Sometimes the "ready - fire - aim" approach works best. Decide you're going to do it - then "just do it" - and work out the details later.

If you've been putting off learning guitar for a while, maybe even for years, why not get started today.

Go out, get a guitar, start some lessons and jump on in there. You won't regret a minute of it!

Over 40, 50, 60? For Free Video Guitar Lessons designed for Active Adults go to http://www.adultguitarlessons.com/amember/free_lessons-1225ez.php

Keith Dean is founder of http://www.AdultGuitarLessons.com and a 30 veteran of stage and studio. He toured extensively as a road musician throughout the US and Europe, was a former lead guitarist for Jason Aldean, and has shared stages with Little Big Town, Wild Rose, Winger, Confederate Railroad and more. He is a published songwriter, owned and operated a successful music store, and has instructed numerous students in guitar.

How to Play a Guitar Well - Discover How Playing Guitar Hero Will Make You a Better Guitar Player!

I'm the first one to admit that playing video games is an incredibly fun way to utilize any personal down time within a person's day. With the onset of video games such as guitar hero, many musician wannabes are actually incredibly close to learning how to play a real instrument.

If you play guitar, or you desire to purchase a guitar and learn how to play guitar good, playing music video games are a great way to help you become a better guitar player.

Let's take a look at three ways that playing a video game music system such as guitar hero will help you become a better guitar player.

1. The Guitar Controller:  By isolating the components of the guitar controller being utilized within the video game, we can compare the guitar controller to a real-life guitar neck.

The neck of the guitar has four basic components. The first component is the neck. The second component is what is called the fret board. The fret board is separated by what are called guitar frets. Thirdly, we have the guitar strings that go on top of the fret board, on top of the frets. Lastly, your fingers when placed on the fret board help produce sound on the guitar when your right hand plucks one of the guitar strings.

A video game controller such as a guitar controller is very similar to the guitar neck description just given above. The controller represents the neck of the guitar. The four buttons represent the fret board that you press your fingers on when you play a guitar note.  The only thing missing from the guitar controller is the string that goes on top of a guitar neck.

2.  Video Game Rhythm:  One great thing about music video games is that if you have never had any formal musical training, you can learn basic rhythm just by playing music video games. Most modern music video games utilize real-life songs that are currently being played on the radio. Instead of just passively listening to a song, you can now actively participate in the actual rhythm of the song. If you're off rhythm you'll not receive as high of a score as if you are on rhythm, and getting a super high score.

4.  Apply your video game time to practicing: If you are serious about learning guitar, you will want to go from video game controllers to the real thing. When you're ready to own your own guitar, and learn how to play guitar good, make sure that you are not just playing video games during your downtime. Take the amount of time that you play your music video games and divide that time in half. For example, if you play guitar hero on average for an hour every day, then the next step is to only play guitar hero for a half hour, and then practice your guitar for a half hour.

Interested in learning to play the guitar? Click here for: FREE GUITAR VIDEO LESSONS!

With a passion to teach guitar, Jeremiah La Follette helps beginner and intermediate guitar players unlock the secrets of learning guitar in a snap!

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Learning to Play Guitar - Frets and Promises

Learning to play guitar could possibly be the wisest thing you ever decided to do. But it will not be easy. Whether you aim to be a professional guitarist or a campfire guitar strummer, there will be pitfalls to cross. This article will touch upon a few of the more common bumps on the guitar playing road with the hope that you will benefit from being warned about what lies ahead.

The reason Learning to play guitar can be one of life's disappointments is that many people do not know how to start. Spending a week or so stumbling through the first chords to "Blackbird" by the Beatles and laboriously picking out the "Iron Man" riff, then putting the guitar away in a cupboard is one of your classic urban tragedies.

If you are interested in just playing the guitar informally at parties or round the campfire, the best course of action is first, to learn what tabs are and how to read them, and second go online and pick tabs for songs that you know and like, and try to play them.

Usually I would not recommend lessons from your local guitar teacher because they are far more expensive than even the best courses on the internet, but if you are not going too deeply into guitar playing, a few lessons will eliminate some of the uncertainty from the first steps in Learning to play guitar.

One of the big issues for almost everybody who has started Learning to play guitar is which song to learn first. Your own preferences in music will help, of course but the best songs to start on are the ones that will impress other people at parties. "Smells Like Teen Spirit", or "Smoke On The Water". Something instantly recognizable. The thing with metal is the heavy use of power chords which only need three fingers to play. Twelve bar blues is good - you can learn different lyrics using the same chords.

Another simple solution is to think of albums that you like to play. Are there tracks that have stand-out guitar parts? Write down the names and hunt for the tabs on the internet. Failing that, just look for easy guitar songs. "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd or "Horse With No Name" by America are good ones to start with. Go to about.com for a list of easy songs.

Let us move onto a problem that strikes the learner guitarist who manages to set a practice routine and actually learns two or three chords. Learning to make the changes between chords is one of the loneliest ways in the world to spend your time. Every day you seem to make a little progress, and the next day you always seem to be back to square one. Without an experienced guitar player to guide you, this is the time you could easily lose all hope of learning to play guitar. This is the beginning of the uphill climb that confronts all people who learn a new skill. Swimming, driving, guitar playing, they all need regular practice. If you do not have a friend who can help you with your guitar playing, seek advice from guitar forums or places like Yahoo Answers.

Finally, let us talk about the physical discomfort that can befall new guitar players. One of the first things you should ask an experienced guitarist about is how to hold the guitar. If you do not get it right, you are only going to make Learning to play guitar painful. Then there is the matter of making your fingertips hard. For a week or two, every time you start playing the guitar your left hand fingertips will hurt. Usually just for the first few minutes. This is a process all guitar players go through. Do not try dipping your fingers in stuff that is supposed to make the pain go away, just let it go away by itself.

Do you want to learn to play the guitar? Learn How To Play A Guitar For Free is a constantly updated blog which contains all the resources you need for: learning to play solo guitar, how to learn guitar chords, how to learn to read and play easy acoustic guitar tabs, finding a free online guitar tuner, looking for free guitar lessons online, and how to learn guitar scales.

Make Money Playing Guitar - How to Play Guitar For Profit

Contrary to popular belief you do not have to be master guitar player to make good money from playing guitar. There are many more important factors that come into play than your guitar playing skill.

When I was 13 I begged my parents for a guitar for Christmas. They were reluctant to take that path; I assume because of the expected ensuing noise, but they went ahead anyway and bought me a guitar and amplifier from JC Penney. Two years later I was playing in bars almost every weekend and making more money in one or two nights than my friends were making all week working the night shift at Burger King.

So at 15 was I a guitar virtuoso? No I still basically sucked as did the band I was in. I mean we were horrible, yet sold out every night we played. Literally it was standing room only even on weeknights, and we played almost every bar in a 25 mile radius. It was 1980 when it began and this band still packs them in anytime they play even though they still basically suck.

What was the secret? The leader of this band was a genius at giving people what they wanted. He knew what they wanted and found a way to deliver it. People want to be entertained. If you can entertain people you can make money playing guitar. It is that simple.

At the time Oldies were a big thing, and this band happened to fill a local void by dressing the part, acting crazy on stage, and playing the songs that people wanted to hear. At 15 years old I was signing autographs, fending off advances from older women and making money playing guitar. My first experiences making money playing guitar came from simply giving the audience what they wanted.

A few years later the whole Urban Cowboy thing happened and, I happen to get into another band that was jumping on the country bandwagon. By this time I had spent a lot of time learning how to play guitar and my playing and vocal skills had come along way. I had also learned what it took to be valuable member of a band even though I still wasn't the best guitar player in the world. Another band followed that one and so on until I finally retired from playing live in on New Years Eve 2005.

In addition to all the bands I played in I also did some solo and dual work and never played in a group that wasn't working. During that time I learned the keys to making money playing guitar. The first key is filling the void for your audience. Most guitar players think they should go out there and play what they want to play. That doesn't work if you want to make money playing guitar. People want to hear the songs they like and they want to hear it like the recording, solo and all.

The second key is to only play material you do well. If that means only playing simple songs, then only play simple songs. The audience does not know if a song is difficult, only if it sounded right. You do not get extra credit for trying something that was hard to play. You only lose points for not doing it right. If you know the audience is going to request a particular song and you can't pull it off, find an alternative song by the same artist you can play instead.

The third key is that you must be willing to travel. You don't need to travel across the country to make money playing guitar but you will need to get out of your local town. Here's an interesting fact: most people will pay a band from out of town more money then they will a local band. There's some weird belief that a band can't be good if they're local. I don't get it but I used it to get paid.

Building a fan base is the fourth key and is more important in the beginning than getting more money. Connecting with your audience, talking with them between sets, having good stage banter with the crowd; all of these things lead to more money. You can act as cool as you want, but it doesn't pay as well as being friendly. And that goes double with the person that hired you. You need to make them a fan by showing up on time, turning down if they ask you to and always cleaning up when you're done. If they like you as a person they will have a higher impression of you as a performer and will pay you more. It is easy to raise your price once you build a fan base.

So now you know a little more about how to play guitar and make money doing it. I have done very well financially playing guitar in my lifetime even though most of the local music scene in my town never knew who I even was. It's because I followed these keys that I got paid good money for playing guitar while the local "celebrity" bands were sometimes paying out of their own pockets to play. Always remember that being the best guitar player in the world does not mean that you will know how to make money doing it.

Scott Olewiler is a long time musician who has played guitar bass and keyboards in many successful bands over his 25 year career. To get more great guitar playing tips visit his site


How to Choose Guitar Classes For Children

Whether you are a parent or a guardian, at some stage you may decide that your child needs to learn to play an instrument. A guitar is a good choice and a popular one with kids. You should find out whether guitar classes for children are held close to where you reside. This is very important as in the busy schedule of a child's day, spending time travelling for guitar classes can be tiring and an unnecessary waste of time.

Sometimes housewives who have learnt to play the guitar will be willing to take classes in their spare time. If there is someone, who lives close to you, then it becomes more convenient. You would however, be well advised to check, how qualified the concerned person is, where they have qualified from, and whether they have the necessary training or experience in teaching children. In rare cases, you may find a qualified teacher willing to come home and take classes.

If you are unsatisfied with the above, then it would probably be better for you to use an institute or teaching centre closest to your residence. In such a case the child would be taught more professionally, as such institutes and teaching centres employ only adequately qualified people on their teaching staff. The added advantage of this may be that the child learns faster in a group, as the motivation and sense of competitiveness is higher.

A visit to the institute is essential, so that one can meet the teachers and discuss one's requirements. Many such institutes take in anyone who applies without considering their level of interest or motivation. This is fine for adults, but this may not be the ideal place for Guitar classes for children. You should see the temperament and dedication of the staff, and judge if they are equipped to teach children. It will also make sense to go over the content of the course and the methods of teaching. One should also ensure that separate classes are scheduled for children, where they are grouped according to their age.

Find Out More About Guitar Classes For Children? Get Professional Guitar Lessons Children Here.

All About How to Download Guitar Lessons

Do you have a guitar, or do you plan on getting a guitar any time soon? Do you know how to play guitar? Do you plan on learning? Whatever the case, there is always opportunity for improvement when it comes to playing the guitar, whether it is electric or acoustic. You should download guitar lessons.

If you would like to increase your guitar playing skills you should try online lessons.

Online guitar lessons can be streamed, downloaded or simply read. Let us first discuss lessons that you read. Lessons that you read are very simple. You can download them, view them on a site or you can even buy books for learning guitar. The possibilities are endless. These lessons generally tell you the basics. They tell you how to read simple music and tablature, as well as the parts of the guitar. From these you will learn the mechanics of the guitar, but not much about actual playing.

Streamed guitar lessons are usually free. While they are free, they are genuine and quality lessons. They are, however, very basic. Some will teach you some exercises to help strengthen your fingers, or to work on your alternate picking. Some will show you how to more easily learn a segment of a song.

There are a lot of these streamed video lessons that offer anywhere from several seconds to several minutes of lessons, in hopes that you will purchase the full lesson. There are, however, many subscription based streaming guitar lessons on the market. They are both free and pay, and both are equally useful. Some sites will allow you to choose which style of guitar you want to learn, whether it be jazz, rock, metal, classical or any number of other styles. When you choose your style, the site will send you emails as more and more basic lessons become available. You can then log into your account that is associated with the site and view these lessons.

Downloaded guitar lessons are, for the most part, paid lessons. These paid lessons are almost always high quality and will offer you the opportunity to greatly increase your abilities in every aspect of playing the instrument. These lessons will take you from the most basic to the most intricate of techniques on the guitar and are usually quick and easy to access. Of course, they are available at all times on your computers once you have downloaded them.

All in all, if you download guitar lessons you can learn to play the guitar more quickly than with other methods, even if you are simply improving your already impressive skills.

If you have the desire and determination to learn how to play a musical instrument, the guitar is a versatile and economical choice for beginners. You can download guitar lessons from the Internet at www.download-guitar-lessons.info today! Get all of the methods and techniques you will need to become a skilled and proficient guitarist easy and fast!

Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

How to Play Guitar Solo

To become well-known and popular, some people take to playing the guitar. The guitar is not so straight-laced and classy, but rather flashy and eccentric. Many beginners have the incentive to impress people. Before one can do that, he'll need to learn to play a guitar solo in a variety of styles, especially his favorite style.

When considering what makes an average band so popular, most usually associate it with the lead singer. That seems to be the one that makes the most direct contact with the audience and hence, the most prominent among all band members. Those who play the instruments do not stand out so much.

Still, the guitarists take a significant presence that rivals the singers. Ladies like guitarists simply because the guitar is "hot". For guys, a guitarist is liked usually because they love listening to solo guitar. One can't deny that all guys have fantasies about busting out on stage and doing a five-minute solo. For any man, this is his finest moment in life. It's true that it's practically encrypted into a male's DNA. Still, the remaining members play along in the background of the remarkable, creative performance of the guitarist.

If you have a strong desire to learn how to play guitar solo let me put this to you plain and simple. A guitar solo is like a free style way of playing and thus lacks techniques. Therefore, this is not something I can teach you. The guitar solo resembles "improv" jazz and blues more than any other type of music.

Despite its lack of technique, there is still a lot of preparation necessary to learning how to play a guitar solo. To begin with, your overall guitar playing skills should be equal to that of an advanced or expert level. Unfortunately, this leaves out beginners. Simply solo are much too challenging and can't be learned in two weeks. Although they may not look so hard, they can't be played without complex bends, "hammer-ons", "pull-offs", or other advanced techniques. Though some of these techniques can be picked up quickly, I still recommend that you learn to play guitar chords and proper strumming techniques first. Doing this will make the advanced techniques even easier. If you still want to know more about playing guitar solo, you're free to inquire about "hammer-ons" and "pull-offs".

To play a guitar solo, a guitarist will use numerous high-end strings, many of which are located on the lower third of the guitar neck. Beginners are accustomed to playing on the top third section of the neck since that is where all the basic chords and power chords are played from. As for solo guitar, they'll concentrate on the lower third section.

Personally, I love playing on the lower third section of the neck, but keep in mind that sometimes it can be more difficult. This is because the frets in this section are closer together than those at the top. Those will long or thick fingers are more prone to accidentally bumping into the fret.

Playing guitar solo will absolutely pose as a speed test to your fingers. Only expert strummers who can shift through the strings on the guitar neck easily should seriously consider attempting to play a guitar solo. Masters of guitar solo have an ability to change from a slow, melodic solo to a fast and frantic pace. Apparently, the fast and frantic sections are the more difficult to learn so make sure you can keep up before considering to play.

Still, if you're like me, you'll want to learn how to play guitar solo too. Isn't that the reason you picked up the guitar in the first place? Keep in mind that guitar solo take time to learn and are not advised for beginners, unless they're extremely simple. Learning them can help you expand your horizons. Therefore, you'll need to learn more scales, become familiar with one or two keys, then learn a few solo you like to get started on.

Liam Gibson of LearnGuitar-User-Reviews.com, specializes in helping aspiring guitarists get the info that they need to make the right choices. Liam, a stage guitarist himself, leads his team of guitar experts to constantly review new courses and products in the market and make sure you get the best value products that work for you. Check out actual user reviews and feedback of the most popular guitar courses at Learn Guitar User Reviews.

Learn to Play Guitar in No Time

I've always been impressed with those people who can play the guitar like a rock star with seemingly little effort. It almost appears as if they were born doing it. I always wanted to learn to play guitar, but as it turns out, it's actually quite difficult. That is, until I discovered that it doesn't have to be...

I had tried several self-learn style websites where you can learn to play guitar through online lessons. The problem was that I would reach a point and then get stuck because the lessons were hard to follow, or incomplete, or the website wasn't very professionally done, or the quality was poor, or worse yet, the lessons were just plain boring. What helped bring my guitar playing to new levels was when I found a website that made learning to play guitar easy, fast, and fun, and I learned from an actual professional musician who knows his stuff.

I want to reveal this priceless information to you right now. If you're looking to learn to play guitar, then this could be the most informative article you read all year because the information I'm about to reveal to you has the power to dramatically improve your guitar playing skills.

But first, if you're going to learn how to play guitar, then you should also learn a little bit about a guitar. The guitar is made up of 9 to 11 parts depending on whether you're playing an electric or acoustic guitar. The parts include the head, tuning peg, nut, fretboard, position marker, pick guard, bridge, and body.

That's where the similarities end. The electric guitar also has pickups, pickup selectors, and tone/volume controls. The acoustic guitar does not have any of the aforementioned parts of the electric guitar, but does have a sound hole.

You should also learn a little about chords, which form the backbone and harmony of a piece of music. One of the most important things to learn as a beginner is how to play open chords. By doing this, you'll easily learn to play simple songs, which will motivate you to learn more complicated techniques.

Learning to play guitar on your own can be a difficult task, and you'd most likely seek out guitar lessons. But this can be a hassle since you have to follow someone else's schedule, and it can get expensive over time. Instead, you need a solution that allows you to learn at your own pace, take your lessons at any time of day, and for as long as you want, and is relatively inexpensive.

That's exactly what I did. I was able to learn at my own pace, whenever I had free time. I didn't have to learn to play guitar based on someone else's schedule, nor did I have to keep paying for lessons, over and over again. I learned fast too, and made more progress in a couple of months than I had in the previous couple of years. It was amazing finally learning to play guitar the way I had always envisioned.

But even though I had a very little bit of experience playing guitar, the system I used to finally really learn to play guitar is great for beginners who have never even strummed one before. It uses special software that makes learning to play guitar fast, and more importantly, fun. It works for children as young as 8, and on up to adults. You'll also learn how to read notes, or play by ear so you can start playing your favorite songs just by hearing them.

Within a couple of months, I went from a mediocre wannabe guitarist who couldn't read a note, or play simple chords to save his life, to playing my favorite rock songs, and I did it at my own pace. I can say that I truly learned to play guitar. I'm having the best time of my life playing for friends and family, and I love watching their faces now that they can actually recognize the songs I play.

You too can use this amazing system to your advantage. You can use the same system I used to learn to play guitar like a pro, even if you've never played before, no matter how old you are.

This system has helped music lovers learn to play their favorite songs. Learn how to play a guitar today and bring out your inner rock star! Visit http://everyone-can-learn-to-play-guitar.blogspot.com/ for more information

Electric Guitar for Beginners: There Really Is No Such Thing

If you wish to learn the electric guitar there are many who would advise starting off with an acoustic guitar and when you are on the way to some level of proficiency, move up to, or upgrade to, an electric. Some would advocate starting with an electric guitar for beginners. Well let me tell you, there is no such thing! I personally learnt to play on an acoustic guitar when I was about thirteen but that was not from choice but simple economics. My sister had one of these guitars and it was cheaper for me to rent it off her (yes, rent! I think she now realises how mean she was) than buy an electric guitar. My first electric arrived some months later as a birthday present.

Why There Is Confusion

People can be forgiven for thinking that there is such a beast as an electric guitar for beginners. Electrics are made for children i.e. they are simply smaller in size such that a small child could handle the guitar properly and safely. Guitars are also made in three quarter size. This is not an electric guitar for beginners because it is smaller; it is purely because some people prefer to play an instrument of this size. So, because there are smaller guitars available I can understand some people's confusion. Additionally, some manufacturers like Fender and Gibson produce what they call "starter kits". They are called this purely because everything is enclosed in the package e.g. guitar, amplifier, lead, chord book or chart, spare strings and even the guitar pick or plectrum. If you wish to learn an electric guitar, learn on one! There really is no merit in purchasing the acoustic version unless you aspire to be John Martin and that is the instrument you wish to play. The chords on each are exactly the same, the notes on each are the same, the basic structure is the same etc. To be honest, it is probably easier if anything to learn on an electric as the guitar neck is thinner which makes fingering chords less difficult.

Electric or Acoustic Guitar?

The advantage of using an acoustic rather than an electric guitar for beginners is that, that is all you need. As mentioned, with an electric guitar you will need an amplifier to hear how the guitar sounds. It can be played without an amp but that's not why you wanted to learn the electric guitar, is it! It can be said that it is harder to learn electric guitar for beginners but this is only because you have a greater choice of sounds from the combination of the guitar and amplifier to manipulate and be satisfied with. So, it's not harder but simply there is more to learn. However seeing what sounds you can produce is the real fun part after you have started to bang out a few chords or licks. Even more fun comes when you start purchasing and experimenting with effects pedals to further enhance the range of sounds you find you are producing. So, just so there is no confusion, there is no such thing as an electric guitar for beginners. Whether you go for the acoustic or electric options, you will have a lot of hard work in front of you if you wish to play to a proficient level but, you will also have hours of fun, enjoyment and satisfaction to go with that. Rock and Roll!

Mark J Emslie has been a guitarist and musician for over 35 years. Much of that time has been in a professional capacity. He also provides driving lessons and intensive driving courses.

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

A Play Guitar For Beginners Lesson - Chords

Before starting a play guitar for beginners course, you really ought to know a thing or two. For instance, you need to know about the notes the guitar plays. Here's a lesson discussing notes and chords for beginning players.

Musical notes comprise the basic, fundamental aspect of any song, and together make up another basic called "chords." Many, if not all, guitar songs require a fundamental knowledge of chords. They are simply a series of notes played together, and sound fantastic when played properly.

Any play guitar for beginners course will take you through a simple lesson in the easy chords. The beginner's chords are A, D, C and G. They're considered easy because they are - they only require the use of 3 fingers.

You make a chord when you press on the strings along the length of the neck, called the "fret." As you do this, you strum the guitar strings right in front of the sound hole. When you learn guitar, it's best to learn the acoustic version first. After you learn the acoustic, then you can try out the amplified version.

To learn to play guitar for beginners, a good tip is not to push too hard on the strings as you make a chord. Many who start off taking these beginner's classes press too hard. You need to learn the right amount of pressure. This could take some time to learn, but the end result will be music and not something less.

When you play the guitar, you should make it so that you level down your wrist. This makes it so that your hand isn't so strained. It's a simple step to take, and often results in a "buzzing" noise rather than a good, solid tune if it's not done. It also will alleviate the pain and possibly the cramping in your hand, too.

It's a good idea to practice using songs with fewer chord movements, too - for example, the chords that just about touch at the same fret. There have been many songs like this written. Lastly, try to practice as you shut your eyes. Most pro's will not look at their fingers while playing - like a typist who doesn't look at the keys. Only during a complicated set will someone of star caliber look at the fret.

One final tip is that your goal should be to memorize all the movements for the chords. Your placement of your hands and fingers should feel natural. The real secret to becoming a great guitar player? Practice playing every single day. Of course, having great play guitar for beginners material helps immensely, too.

Learn more about Learning To Play The Guitar, at Guitar For Beginners and claim your Free Special Report which is just packed full of Beginner's Guitar Instructions. Carlos Garcia has written a number of different articles on Guitar Playing and Learning and they can be found at Learn Guitar Now.

Choosing a How to Play Guitar DVD

With a standard DVD player, you could choose a how to play guitar DVD, sit in the comfort of your own home with guitar in hand, and learn everything you need to know for producing beautiful music. Just as with any program, some DVDs are well worth the money while other DVDs are a waste of time. Most importantly, when choosing a how to play guitar DVD, consider your level of skill, if any. For instance, if you have never played before, you need a DVD for beginners, one that will provide step-by-step instructions whereas if you have played before, a DVD for intermediate or advanced playing would be best.

Another tip when choosing a how to play guitar DVD is the way in which the DVD would be watched. For instance, you might choose a product that includes only one or more DVDs, a product that adds in CDs, or perhaps a program that includes internet software. Keep in mind that when it comes to price, many learning to play DVDs are very affordable so this should not be a major contributing factor when making your choice. To help you get stared in choosing a how to play guitar DVD, we have provided some great recommendations.

- Learn and Master Guitar - Rated as the number one DVD collection, as well as CD's and a large volume instruction book, this how to play guitar DVD will guide you through the process of learning to play songs, as you never thought you could. The DVD's are high quality and professionally made. Although a bit pricey at $250, this is an investment worth making. You will learn quickly using this complete DVD instructional product.

- Beginning Metal Guitar - If you are interested in a how to play guitar DVD for heavy metal, this is a great option. Priced around $15, you will have the opportunity to learn techniques and styles of many of the favorite heavy metal bands to include Metallica and Black Sabbath. A few of the focuses include heavy chord, evil intervals, power chords, picking methods, riffs, and so on.

- Learn Guitar Techniques: Metal - Another heavy metal guitar DVD that provides Zaak Wylde styling, you will have two full hours of teaching. Additional features include rhythm and solo lessons, as well as jam tracks.

- Guitar Songs AU - This fundamental DVD course is simple but also a good choice for beginners. Covering 50 songs, this how to play guitar DVD takes a straightforward approach.

- Learning Acoustical Guitar (2006) - Affordably priced around $20, this particular how to play a guitar DVD is taught by the famous performer Charles Sedlak. Throughout instruction, you will learn various techniques to include strumming, chords, progressions, and arpeggios.

- Acoustic Rock Guitar DVD - Created by Peter Vogl, this how to play guitar DVD is merely $10 and a great investment. You will learn the basics for playing guitar, starting from holding the guitar in the right position, playing chords, strumming, and more. In addition, the DVD teaches specific songs, many favorites that have spanned the years.

Nick Siegal is a professional guitarist and has been a private guitar instructor for over 15 years. To read his own in-depth Best Guitar Software Reviews along with other DVD recommendations, head over to his site at http://www.bestguitarsoftware.com. You can also grab some cool free guitar software while you're there.

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

How Long Does It Take To Play Guitar

Learning to play guitar is a process, and there is no finish

line. How long does it take to play guitar, is a question

students often ask their teacher. How long it takes to play the

guitar depends on what your definition of guitar playing


The last few decades has seen a remarkable growth in the

popularity of rock music and guitar playing has become pretty

attractive for many.

Today the guitar is everywhere; a versatile instrument - adapting

itself to almost any kind of situation, Victimized by it's own

success, it has become something more than a musical instrument -

like the swastika before it, it has become the symbol of a social

revolution! The ultimate emblem of grooviness! It is now an

object unto itself!

Guitar enthusiasts are so often blinded by the symbol that they

remain deaf to the world of musical wonders that lie beyond their

blinkered six-string field of interest.

Many teenagers exist who aspire to become rock superstars, but

there is also a section who wants to learn guitar playing just

for sake of it. But many of them end up losing hope of learning

guitar since they don't find the best way to learn guitar.

How long does it take to play guitar? If you can answer the

following questions and make these important distinctions you

will have a good idea.

QUESTION ONE: How do you view the instrument?

Do you want to be (a) guitar owner, (b) guitar player, (c) a

musician who uses the guitar for musical expression?

Essentially there's three levels of involvement with the guitar:

1. Guitar owners - to qualify you need only to have enough funds

to purchase the instrument, for these people the guitar is simply

a toy, like a computer game, or fashion accessory. How long does

it take you to play the guitar if you're in this category? About

5-10 minutes max. The important thing here is to "be seen to be

playing the guitar"!

2. Guitar players - players in this category are often very

dedicated and speed many hours practicing their instrument.

Mostly self taught, they learn almost exclusively from guitar

tab, and their friends. How long does it take to play guitar in

this category?... these players understand it's a lifetime


3. Musicians who play guitar as their chosen instrument- players

in category two focus on guitar playing skills, whereas

level three players understand the whole scope of the musical

landscape. A good musician not only plays their instrument well,

they understand and can intelligently discuss all music.

These players:

(a) listen to all types of music

(b) read about all types of music

(c) study all types of music

How long does it take to play guitar in this category? Again,

it's a lifetime of hard work and discipline. What's the

difference between category two and category three?

Level two players must have their instrument in their hands to

communicate ideas, whereas, musicians who play guitar as their

chosen instrument know and can discuss, the qualities which make

Herb Ellis or Barney Kessel a great jazz player; why Duke

Ellington is a jazz innovator; Michel Legrand a great composer

and orchestrator. They know why good symphonies are good and bad

symphonies are bad; they know why good pop or country songs are

good (musically) and bad songs are bad.

QUESTION TWO: Are you internally motivated or externally


Externally motivated players usually give up playing the guitar

once they realize that they are responsible for their progress.

these players quickly move on to the new 'hip' fad (only to give

up on that as soon as things get a bit challenging).

An obvious example of this type of externally motivated player

and their associated problems and disappointments is with the

recent popularity of computer games where people pretend to play

the guitar.

Despite PR claims from computer games companies

that their computer guitar games improve the player's rhythm

and hand dexterity, professional guitar teachers worldwide have reported

that guitar computer game veterans have been disappointed when

confronted with the real-world requirements of hard work and

delayed gratification. They expect to jump into it and learn it

as quickly as they learned the game, and they realize that they


I'll assume if you have read this far you're more interested in

category two or three!

needless to say that only internally motivated players make it

into category two and three.

QUESTION THREE: What is the source of your information? common

knowledge or specialized knowledge?

Today it is not a question of information on any particular

subject, after all we live in the information age, don't we? To

accelerate your progress on the guitar and rapidly decrease the

time it takes you to play the guitar, what we need is specialized

knowledge to help us assemble the relevant knowledge to achieve

our goals.

The first thing to understand is that learning guitar is

something that takes a long time. how long it takes to learn

depends on what you want to learn.

Learning guitar is hard work but it's really important to have

fun and have your guitar make cool sounds while you're learning

all the hard bits. The main thing you have to consider when

learning how to play guitar is who is teaching you how to play


How long does it take to play guitar? It depends on what you want

to achieve.

Mike Hayes is a teacher, author, speaker and consultant. Get his tips and tested strategies proven to boost your guitar playing his membership site at http://www.guitarcoaching.com today.

How Much Are Guitar Lessons?

One of the main reasons most people don't learn the guitar, is the concern that it costs too much money. This can be true in some cases, but it all depends on which lessons you go with. You see there is more than just one way to learn the guitar. Most people are under impression that they have to either take private guitar lessons, or take college classes. But now, thanks to all this wonderful technology, you have two more options available, online guitar lessons, and DVDs home set. So how much are guitar lessons?

I've broken down the prices based on the categories. The prices listed below are the prices you should expect, but as with everything else they can vary depending on quality and the teacher.

Private Guitar Lessons:

$20-$25 for a half hour session, once a week. This is the average price of what you should expect your instructor to charge you. Now he/she might give you lessons for less, but that's very unlikely. You can expect to see your instructor once a week, and you get full one on one attention.

Classroom Guitar Lessons:

It's hard to pinpoint the average cost for these lessons. You can find them in your local community college, and every college has different prices.

Online Guitar Lessons:

$12-$30. These are monthly charges. You can play the lessons any time you want on your computer. You get a variety of professional instructors to choose from. There are forums available if you have any questions. You can also cancel anytime you want. Most of these lessons are easy and simple to follow.


$40-$200. This is a one time payment. You will get your DVDs in the mail and can practice anytime you want at home. Most come with a 60 day guarantee.

Another option that hasn't been mentioned, is Free. You can actually get free guitar lessons, most guitar sites offer them.

I get all my resources from GutiarZonline.com. They have everything a beginner should know. They also offer Free Guitar Lessons For Beginners so you can start learning how to play guitar today! I have been taking their lessons for a couple of weeks now, and already can play the chords and some tunes. It's a lot of fun. I had no idea I would enjoy it so much.

Can You Really Handle Learning to Play Guitar?

The guitar is an incredibly appealing musical instrument. It is easy to understand the popularity it enjoys because irrespective of the music genre, the guitar usually plays a critical part in any song.

The lead singers in most bands also know how to play the guitar. So, if learning to play guitar is something that interests you, read on. Many thousands of people before you have learned to play the guitar, and most likely thousands more will want to learn as well. But learning to play guitar will require several things from you so think carefully, wanting to play the guitar will be hard going if you cannot handle the following facts, you will be wasting your time and money.

Learning to play guitar is far from easy; no short-cut exists to enable you to play like a professional, there are no magic spells or brain implants either. And yes, you will see guys on TV playing their 3 minute songs that make it look so easy, but what you need to remember is that they put thousands of practice hours into learning the guitar before they joined a band or even got to that point.

Learning to play guitar is going to take time and you should not expect to pick up a guitar and have it mastered within a week. You must expect to put the work into it and that means you have to practice. You must learn how to tune your guitar, learn simple chords, then learn how to play simple songs and improve from there.

Learning to play guitar, as with any musical instrument takes patience and you will make mistakes. You will experience days when you just want smash your guitar against the wall out of pure frustration. If you are the type of person who gives up at the first problem or difficulty, then learning to play the guitar will probably be hard work for you. Try to envisage your guitar hero quitting the first time they ran into adversity while learning. Would they be a star now, perhaps not?

If you possess realistic expectations about how difficult it can be learning to play guitar; the time commitment; the patience to overcome any trouble you may encounter while learning; then you are probably ready to learn to play the guitar. How you make up your mind to learn to play guitar will be up to you.

Learning to play guitar quickly and easily can be achieved by using online guitar courses and most of these sites offer everything that you need in one convenient place to learn how to play the guitar. Of course, the better quality sites will charge a fee for the material, however the relative cost is insignificant compared to the cost of lessons. And of course, you will be able to learn at a time that suits you from the comfort of your own home.

For tips on learning how to play the guitar and reviews on guitar lessons visit: http://www.GuitarDisplay.com

Guitar For Beginners - DVDs

What do you look out for in a beginner guitar lesson DVD?

You're finally taking the first step! You're going to finally pick up a guitar and rock out with the best of them. That's a terrific idea, but where do you begin to learn how to play? Starting with guitar for beginners DVDs are a great idea, but what should you look to do?

Before you even start, know that attitude is everything. Giving up on a guitar because you haven't learned it in ten minutes is the wrong approach to take. Great guitarists get that way by playing and screwing up thousands of times before nailing it and then repeating what they did right.

The first thing you should determine is what kind of guitar playing you're going to do. The power metal style of Firewind is going to be worlds different from the guitar playing of gospel music down at the local church. Do you want to do classic rock, modern rock, heavy metal, jazz, gospel, country? All of these require a guitarist.

Second, although DVD's are fairly standard, always start with the beginner level DVD, even if you think you know your way around. Building a good foundation in guitar basics will help you when you finally do move on to intermediate or advanced level DVD's.

Thirdly, when you play the DVD through, Is the person enthusiastic and does he explain things clearly? Is this DVD produced well, maybe by a well-known company in music or movies? Or are you playing it 50 times and don't understand it at all?

The nice thing about a DVD is that if you don't get it right away, you can just hit a couple of buttons on your remote control, rewind a few seconds and play again, without worries about wearing out the DVD. Take good care of a DVD, and it will take good care of you.

Lastly, but most important, ask yourself this question: What did I learn from watching the DVD today? If you spent an hour learning a couple of basic chords, write that down. There's nothing wrong with learning the guitar at your own pace. Eventually you'll get to where you want to, and you might even be the next Guitar Hero, only with a real guitar and not just one with 5 buttons.

Check Out The Guitar For Beginners DVDs Today.

You Can Learn to Play Guitar At Guitar Player World.

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

How to Play Electric Guitar For Beginners - The Things You Need to Focus on to Speed Up Learning

A very common question is how to play electric guitar for beginners. Many people know that learning to play an instrument can be a very rewarding accomplishment. Moreover, while you're learning to play you can have a lot of fun in the process.

However, if you really want to accelerate your learning time there are some key things you should think about. When beginners are trying to learn how to play an electric guitar their first priority needs to be buying a good electric guitar.

You need to figure out how much you have to spend towards your instrument. You will also need to include all the accessories that come with this instrument such as the straps and pedals.

More importantly you need to consider what type of amps you're going to use. You can use solid amps or tube amps, which will definitely influence the tone of your electric guitar.

It's a good idea to try out everything to find the right instrument for you. Moreover, if money is a problem then getting a used electrical guitar will do just fine. Finding the right instrument for you is one of the most important aspects of your learning curve.

Once you have the right guitar it's time to jump into the lessons. You can do one of two things when it comes to lessons. You can either try to teach yourself using various resources available such as on-line courses or books, or you can go for professional guitar lessons.

Beginners learning how to play electric guitar will have to focus on learning scales and chords. The best way to learn and master this is through consistent practice so your fingers will become more adapt.

Moreover, to speed up your learning curve you should listen to as much music as you can and analyze the music as you're hearing. By listening and analyzing music you'll get a better understanding about tones and chords.

Finally, when you're thinking about how to play electric guitar for beginners you should look into online courses. By utilizing online courses you'll be able to spend time at home learning on a daily basis.

With an online course you can also record your lessons and play them back to see how you're progressing. Good online programs will give you step by step instruction to speed up your learning curve and give you tools.

To learn how to play the guitar quick and easy Click Here

If you want to know more about playing left handed guitars and go from a beginner to an experienced guitarist fast then you definitely need this Expert Beginner Guitar Lesson, which can definitely help you.

Play Guitar The Right Way - A Message For Beginners

There are many, many, different reasons why individuals decide to learn to play the guitar. What's your purpose? Is it because you just want to play a few songs for your friends? If so, then I commend you for your honesty and wish you the very best in your song-playing adventure. Playing the guitar should always be fun.

If you're a beginner, it's important that you don't become overwhelmed or intimidated by those who seem to be able to shred the guitar fingerboard at will. This should be the least of your worries. Especially in the beginning stages of learning to play the guitar. The fundamentals are essential for every beginner. For example, learning to hold the guitar pick correctly is essential in the beginning. Learning right-hand and left-hand finger control is very important. Further, merely feeling comfortable holding the guitar will actually take some work and practice. Once again, the fundamentals of guitar playing are very, very important.

It seems that we're living in a society (musicians included) where instant gratification seems to be the way-of-life for many. We want what we want, and we want it now. When attempting to learn how to play the guitar, this type of approach will leave fatal flaws in one's over all understanding of the guitar. Without an authentic understanding of the guitar, limitations are inevitable.

A solid foundation on the guitar (theory and application) will allow one to progress beyond their own expectations. One should strive to become a well-rounded guitarist. In other words, learn guitar chords, rhythm, and guitar solo techniques. So many guitarists today are mainly concerned with soloing. They seem to overlook all of the other aspects of guitar playing. Many beginning guitarists get hung up on issues such as speed playing.

In today's musical environment, it's much more important to become an accurate player rather than a flash player. The days of the twenty minute guitar solos, are over (for the most part). Oh yes, in a concert environment it's good to let it all hang out and to blow out the carbon, as they say. However, nothing will top a well constructed melodic guitar solo. A well constructed guitar solo is a far cry from someone just mindlessly sweeping arpeggios.

Is speed important? Yes, in situations that call for speed. However, not all guitar solos consist of playing 128th notes at 160 BPM (beats per minute). Techniques, such as speed picking, sweeping, and tapping result from practicing good habits, not in lieu of them. Further, speed without soul equals nothingness. Why so much dissertation regarding speed? Let me explain.

For most beginners, there is generally an event which occurs, that inspires an individual to learn how to play the guitar. For example, desiring to learn the guitar could result from one hearing a song that has a special emotional impact on his/her life. However, it is more than likely that one of the great contemporary concert guitarist (a fire-breathing, neck-shredding Dragon) is the inspiration for most of today's beginners. This is great however, was the inspiration the guitar itself or the fire-breathing, blazing speed, that the notes on the guitar were played at? More than likely, the answer would be speed. Inspiration is inspiration, right? Understand that a speed player is very skilled and has taken the time to build a solid foundation; fundamentals.

Speed picking and sweeping techniques have their place. We all know that. The question is (even for experienced guitar player), when and where (let alone, why) to employ these techniques. In other words, speed playing for the sake of speed playing doesn't make much sense unless the music dictates a speed technique be employed. Of course, the obvious exception is practicing speed playing techniques in order to perfect them. Once again, if you're a beginner, speed shouldn't be your initial concern. Fundamentals will provide the foundation for future and difficult techniques. Take your time. Learn to play guitar the right way.

In the beginning stages of learning to play guitar, one should concentrate on learning simple guitar chords, learning simple songs, and learning to control the guitar itself. Become aware of sound and volume. Strive for accuracy and endurance. There are literally hundreds of elements that must be learned in order to truly master the guitar. Enjoy the beginning stages, you'll arrive at the advanced learning scenario soon enough.

It is advisable to seek out a talented guitar instructor who will help you in the beginning. Remember, you'll want to learn the fundamental elements first (picking, playing guitar chords, learning simple, but great songs). Plan your work and work your plan. Above all, have fun.

© 2008 Michael E. Fletcher. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


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Make no mistake about it; if your goal is to understand the entire guitar fingerboard and experience an incredible new mechanical and theoretical freedom as a guitar player, then Ultra Guitar Method is an absolute must.

While others are losing valuable time on the standard old books of C, F and G, this is your opportunity to step directly into the future with a guitar method that is as flexible as your own personality and as vast as your imagination will allow.

Visit the Ultra Guitar Method website today. Your future is now.

Play Guitar - Proper Method To Use To Reach Your Goals

Successfully learning how to play guitar is within the grasp of most people, yet many beginners

give up too quickly. Always give time to play guitar daily Constant playing will make the

player more accustomed to their instrument of choice. Novice spanish guitar players may benefit

from a few tools that make the process even easier, and more accurate.

Being a beginner, intermediate or advanced guitar player will also effect how and what you

practice. More an more men and women in their 40"s and 50"s are picking up a guitar and

learning how to play guitar. Iknow a few guitar players who would like to be able to play

amazingly fast, yet they don"t do a lot of technical practice.

It does not take long at all to learn to play guitar, as long you have a constant practice schedule and stick

to it. If you are serious about becoming a professional guitar player then you absolutely do need

a good knowledge of the blues. Let"s see what you can learn about the art of guitar playing

as you are standing there freezing.

We are in need of a guitar player with lots of experience. This way to play guitar will work

with slow easy pieces but it does not work with more complicated guitar melodies and when you start to

play pieces with more than one not at a time. Tablature is a system that shows guitar

players exactly what notes and chords to play by showing where to place their fingers on the neck of the


In order to be able to benefit from all that a learn to play guitar book can offer, you have to be very patient

and motivated, which most of us are not. One must never try to aspire to be a guitar player if

he does not have the desire to learn how to play the guitar. This also applies to guitar

players like you and me.

There are many guitar lessons online that help guitar enthusiasts to at least get some of the basic and

intermediate know-how in guitar playing. You know if you really want to play guitar, just

start. The bad news is: No one is born knowing how to play guitarThe good news is: a lot

of others have blazed a trail for you.

Alot of guitar players don"t like studying theory. If you want to learn how to play guitar online,

then make sure you are learning how to play the one you have. Ask yourself these

questions to evaluate your future ability to stick with your goals:Why do I want to be a better guitar


This interest can assist to making you a better guitar player. Electric guitar players who

play rock and metal music prefer thicker picks to produce more controllable, delicate and great

music. Now, after you have purchased your metronome; and believe me when I say that

nobody is a real muso without a metronome; and can hold a tight tempo with it, you can start searching

the web to learn how to play guitar online.

There are many, many guitar players and musicians out there that are perfectly happy with their level of

acquaintance ( my brother-in-law has been trying to learn guitar for the past year simply to be a

chick-magnet). You buy a teach yourself to play guitar instruction course or

book. To sum up what we have discussed about guitar playing so far we can say that when

you know what you want to accomplish and when it will be accomplished it is much easier to select a

proper method to use to reach your goals.

Sohel Katir


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Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

How to Play Guitar Riffs Well - Things to Consider

You can if you want learn to play the guitar very well very quickly. The only person that is actually stopping you from achieving this is yourself. Certainly if you want to be able to play the guitar just like the professionals can then you need to spend time on all areas of the learning including how to play guitar riffs.

However, in order for you to learn to play the guitar well is going to take a considerable amount of effort and patience. Once you do have the ability to play the guitar well the feeling you get from doing so will be very exhilarating indeed.

There are certain things that you will need to take into consideration however before you can get started on learning how to play guitar riffs well. Below we take a look at just a few of the things that you should be considering.

1. The Guitar - It is important that when you are purchasing your first guitar you don't go for the first one that you come across. It is a good idea to actually visit your local guitar or music store and try a number of ones they have available to see what you feel most comfortable with when you try to play it.

Yes you should spend time comparing the costs of the various different guitars that are available, but you shouldn't base your choice solely on this factor. In fact the less expensive the guitar the better as you won't initially be using the more fancy features to be found on the more expensive types. But as your playing skills improve so you can then choose to upgrade from the model you currently have to a better one.

2. Guitar Lessons -These will really help with the way that you learn how to play guitar riffs. You have the choice of finding a tutor close to where you live or purchasing an online course. One of the best courses currently available for those wishing to learn how to play the guitar are those offered by Jamorama.

Certainly the biggest advantage to doing your guitar lessons online is that you decide when they take place. Also there is no having to travel to your lessons instead they can be done in the comfort of your own home.

3. Practice, Practice, Practice - Once you have been shown how to play guitar riffs you need to make sure that you dedicate as much time as you can to practice what you have been taught. The more time you spend practicing what you learn then the more likely you memory is going to retain it. But you must make sure that you practice the correct techniques.

Do you dream of playing guitar like the legends of rock, country, or blues? Visit my website to get your free guitar course, plus lots of guitar playing tips! Just click here now: Lead Guitar Guide

How to Play Guitar - 7 Tips to Start Playing Guitar Fast

Have you always thought about how to play the guitar but keep putting it off because you just don't have the time? Well that shouldn't be an excuse!

Playing the guitar is a great hobby that can enrich your life in ways you never knew possible. If you didn't think it was so easy to start playing before, here are 7 tips to get you started in your new musical career.

1. Go to a music store.

There's no point in purchasing an instrument or diving right into the guitar unless you talk to someone who knows and plays guitars themselves. If you have a close friend who has played guitar for a long time, have a conversation with him.

The point is to learn whether or not you really have the ambition to undertake this new hobby. Learning how to play guitar sure is fun, but there's a lot of dedication involved to perform well.

2. Purchase a guitar!

Before you even think about the "purchasing" part, you should do some serious research. Go online and read reviews and comments on some notable guitars for beginners.

Only after you've found the guitar you want to play, you need to become a bargain-hunter. Look at garage sales, pawn shops, eBay, Amazon, music stores, and online music stores until you find the best deal on a guitar and case.

3. Sign up for online guitar courses or lessons.

Signing up for an online guitar course shows that you're very serious about how to play the guitar. When you've completed the lessons, you'll be a much better player than when you began.

I recommend the Jamorama Guitar Course for its reputation in high satisfaction. More importantly, the instructor actually has a degree in education which is more than most online courses can say.

4. Become familiar with guitar tablature.

As you're passing through each guitar lesson, you should be becoming more familiar with guitar tablature. Guitar tablature is the short-hand version of sheet music that instructs you how to play a guitar song.

Learning to read guitar tablature will completely open your eyes to the vast world of music that is available for you to learn and play. Additionally positive is that most of this tablature can be found free anywhere on the web.

5. Practice chord changes in order to learn songs later.

Guitar chords are the foundation of any simple song. Look up a chord chart so you can study the finger placement and chord names.

Then, when you look up songs online to play, your movement between chords should be effortless and enjoyable.

6. Practice only one or two easy songs for awhile.

It's better to play one or two songs very well than to play a dozen guitar songs badly. Pick a couple of your favorites that sound easy to play and go at them for as long as it takes you to learn.

Don't get discouraged if they don't come easily because you've only just begun. After your first five tunes, you should know how to tackle quite a few more.

7. Call up your friends who play guitar and have a jam session!

This is what it really leads up to. Playing with your friends will not only loosen you up a bit, but you'll gain more quick skills from each other, learn a couple new tunes, and learn cooperation for playing with other musicians.

At this point, you should be proud that you can focus on how to improve your guitar playing as opposed to just how to play it in general.

How to play the guitar is not as easy as some people make it seem, but it's not an up-hill battle either. Make smart decisions, take your time, and be consistent and you should find yourself to be a fine guitar player some day.

For more information on how to guitar play [http://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Guitar-Play] and other fast guitar tips, visit How To Guitar Tune.

Learn to Play Guitar - Online Or Offline?

So you have finally decided to learn to play guitar. Have you decided to learn online or are you going for face to face lessons? Your average guitar teacher will wind up costing you about eighty to one hundred dollars every month. That is just for one lesson per week. On the other hand a nifty set of videos cannot give you personal advice based on the observation of your playing by a seasoned professional guitar player.

A live guitar teacher might offer you the chance to take a free lesson to help you decide whether to commit yourself to a course of lessons. You could sit down with your teacher during your free lesson and tell him how you want to progress with the guitar. He can tell you if your goals are realistic or if you need to rethink your dreams of the future. This will let you get an idea of how committed your teacher is to turning students into guitar players. A good guitar teacher will be listen to your plans for your guitar playing and his teaching methods and advice will be tailored to your specific needs. He can watch you play and see where you are going wrong and what you need to do to fix it.

If you lead a busy life it might not be practical for you to get to a guitar teacher once a week and devote half an hour, an hour or more per day to practicing the guitar as well as performing your professional and family duties. If you are one of these busy people the prospect of saving money on guitar tuition fees and transport fares or fuel costs you might want to think seriously about learning guitar online. If you decide to go for an online course then how do you know which one to choose?

The internet has archives of guitar tabs, sites containing free lessons, thousands of free videos and countless opportunities for us to watch videos of the best guitarists in the world, past or present, dead or alive. There are many forums with guys who have been playing the guitar for many years waiting for a chance to pass on their expertise and love of guitar playing to beginners. If you save a few of these guitar forums to your bookmarks in your browser you can visit a few every day and copy and paste any advice or tabs that you find useful.

There are guitar lesson websites that have the lessons set out in the correct sequence for a beginner guitar player's progress. The formulators of these guitar courses are experienced guitar players who have extensive experience teaching the guitar and playing in bands. These online lessons are great for people who need a basic understanding of the guitar, how to hold it and play chords for easy songs. Free online guitar lessons get these people playing the guitar fast.

Here is a great way to make use of free guitar tools and tabs you find on the internet. You could organize your basic tools into groups like tabs, chord charts, songs, scales, articles and tools such as online guitar tuners. You create some folders on your computer for each of these groups so that you can get to your learning material easily during your guitar practice time.

Online guitar lessons also go a long way towards saving your dignity as well as your money. You can work quietly in your own room at any difficulties or misunderstanding about guitar playing without exposing your shortcomings to another person. You can do this at your own pace, seeking more advice from forums to help you with your problems. If you have only a little time to spend on guitar practice online lessons will accommodate you, and if you find that you have some extra time you will always find something new and interesting to learn.

Do you want to learn to play the guitar? Learn How To Play A Guitar For Free is a constantly updated blog which contains all the resources you need for: learning to play solo guitar, how to learn guitar chords, how to learn to read and play easy acoustic guitar tabs, finding a free online guitar tuner, looking for free guitar lessons online, and how to learn guitar scales.