Walk into any guitar store and you will likely find hundreds of different guitars. This can be an overwhelming selection of guitars for beginners. Should you buy electric or acoustic? New or used? Black or blue? OK, the last question is not that important, but you get the point. This article is meant to give a few tips on the different types of guitars for beginners.
Yes, it's true high quality comes with a price. If you are a beginner this may be the last factor you should consider. The most important factor for a beginner guitar player should be playability. You are going to be spending a lot of time with your new instrument so you want to be comfortable with it.
The first step is simply to try one out. Is it comfortable to play? Is the neck too thick or thin, or just right? Strum the strings a few times. Don't worry about playing anything in particular; you are just trying to get a feel for the guitar.
Now pick up another guitar. Compare what you like about each. It shouldn't take long for you to get a feel for what you are looking for in a guitar. There are literally thousands of combinations of necks, bodies, and layouts so you should be able to find a few you like.
Now that you have a few in mind it's time to consider other factors. Check out the overall tone of the guitar. Some guitars are known for their 'warm' tones while others are known for crisp sounds with a lot of sustain.
If you are not comfortable trying out the guitar in front of people, ask a salesperson to demonstrate it for you. Tell them what styles of music you like and what you are planning on playing. They will be able to point you to the right guitar.
Ok, we have comfort and tone out of the way; now let us start looking at cost. Guitars can cost as little as a hundred dollars or so and go up to the thousands of dollars range. As mentioned before, quality comes with a price but when looking at guitars for beginners an expensive guitar is not needed. Don't feel like you have to buy the best brand right away. Until you have some practice under your belt you will be able to tell very little difference.
The last aspect is appearance. This is one of the ways a guitar player gets to express his or her personality with the instrument. Notice this is the last aspect mentioned. This can be a major mistake when choosing a guitar for beginners. What good is a killer looking guitar if is a chore to play? Sure you want to look good, but what is more important is being comfortable with the guitar.
So check out your local guitar store and sit down and try a few. You know you have been dying to do it for some time. If you follow these simple tips you will be on your way to becoming a guitar hero before you know it!
Rik used to play the guitar many many years ago (in his mis-spent youth!). He would spend hours upon hours locked away in his room with the amp cranked up annoying many people.
Well of course life chances and he moved away from home, started doing other things. However he recently rediscovered his passion for the guitar, and is now a re-born guitar enthusiast! Not only that but he thought it would be nice to try to help others who want to start learning and hopefully also become passionate about playing the greatest instrument there is, the guitar! Back in the old days there was of course no such thing as the internet.
Rik has also recently created a website called How To Play Guitar For Beginners [http://howtoplayguitarforbeginners.net] Please feel free to visit the site, he'd love to hear from all you guitar fanatics out there!
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